Its very simple and easiest step by step Photoshop tutorial is made by Ata ur Rehman, We know its lil bit cool but we are trying to give our best and keep in touch for more Photoshop Tutorials.
This post features How to Create A Samsung Star Mobile Phone in Photoshop CS2 – Premium Tutorial.
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Download these things:
Button PSD
Samsung Logo
Front Speaker
Download FINAL PSD
Step 1:
Create a rounded shape just like it.
Step 2:
Just right click on layer and click blending option then use this Gradient option settings.
Step 3:
Just create black square shape using square box
Step 4:
Just create rounded square shape and click on Blending option > Bevel Emboss use this settings on it.
Step 5:
Using stroke setting in shape.
Step 6:
Create this type of shape and set it opacity 14% and just put on mobile left corner.
Step 7:
And set location following this image.
Step 8:
Download above PSD ( Button ) and set location of it like this image.
Step 9:
Download above Speaker PNG set it like this image.
Step 10:
Copy gradient shape from 4th step and make it mobile back like this.
Step 11:
Create rounded small shape for creating back speaker and set following location.
Step 12:
Create this shape make color in white and opacity set to 15%
Step 13:
Download the speaker than set the speaker on following location